Ahoy Matey
Since the dawn of ‘the computer’, I believe we have all in some way become pirates. We all consume images, news, music, art and culture that we didn’t create ourselves. But where would a pirate be without a flag? I contacted my favourite 100 artists and asked them for a spontaneous visual response to that statement. I then used their responses to create ‘our’ flag.
collaborative flag project with contributions by: Aude Debout / Fanette Mellier / Thomas Hirter / Brian Metcalf / Sebastian Pataki / Nicole Killian / Jeremie Nuel & Simon Renaud / Joris Dockx / Guillaume Vallaeys / Ronny Duquenne / Neal Fletcher / Andreas Knag Danielsen / Alex W. Dujet / Travis Stearns / Rob Chabebe / Frank de Rose / Andre Romain / Kevin O'neill / Alexander Shoukas / Veronique de Koning / Jacek Majewski / david horvitz / Benoit Bodhuin and Michael Aberman.